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Welcome to Shepard's Pride


      I am Barb Uhrig and my studio is located on the prairies of western South Dakota outside of the town of Newell with views of Bear Butte and the Black Hills.  Newell, SD is the Nation's Sheep Capital.

     The inspiration for Shepard's Pride came from my love for my flock of purebred Cheviot Sheep and Santa Claus. I started raising this flock about 20 years ago on our Twin Hills Ranch. I work the sheep myself with the help of my dogs. As I shear the sheep I watch for the best fleece to create my Santa Claus Dolls with.

     Being a western and leather artist I have created numerous types of artwork, but the one-of-a-kind art dolls are my favorites. I have Santa Claus’ of all types, Native Americans, and Sheep of all sizes.

     I create each doll one at a time so they are truly one of a kind. The heads and hands are sculpted of polymer clay and attached to a wood and PVC pipe armature which is covered and stuffed. I then sew and design each piece of clothing with the embellishments sewn on by hand. The boots are made from leather with leather and fur trim. The hair and beards are made from wool which I have shorn from my Cheviot sheep. The eyes in each sculpture are glass to give each the look of realism.


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